A Necessary Paradigm Shift in Food and Farming

By Jack Lazor

Our world is in a bit of an uproar these days.  Never before have we seen so many challenges come to the fore simultaneously.  Here in Vermont, we are very fortunate to live in a rather civil society, especially when we consider the toxic political environment that we see on the national level.

organic farming
Photo credit: The Burlington Free Press

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Why UVM’s Rachel Stievater Loves Her ‘Good Food Job’

By Good Food Jobs

If you didn’t think that enthusiasm could be married to practicality, then you haven’t met Rachel. Her passion for farming is all the more inspiring for her ability to acknowledge the challenges. If you’re interested in learning more about the University of Vermont’s Farmer Training Program, a six-month, hands-on education in sustainable farming, visit goodfoodjobs.com/education.

food job

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An Alumna’s Sweet Gig as Ben & Jerry’s Flavor Guru

By Ken Picard/Seven Days

If Sarah Fidler’s parents warned her as a child not to play with her food, she’s had the last laugh. She now plays with her food every day — and gets paid to do it.

Fidler, 29, is one of only five “flavor gurus” at Ben & Jerry’s corporate headquarters in South Burlington. Her job is to develop new ice cream flavors for the pints sold in U.S. store freezers. Other flavor gurus work on Ben & Jerry’s scoop shop flavors and products sold overseas.

Ben & Jerry's flavor guru
Matthew Thorsen/Seven Days

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UVM Study: To Address Hunger Effectively, First Check the Weather

By Jeffrey Wakefield

Too little rain, or too much, is often a driver of poverty and hunger, leading to poor nutrition and food insecurity among vulnerable populations. According to a new University of Vermont study, rainfall patterns also provide clues on how to most effectively alleviate food insecurity.

climate patterns affect food security

A woman uses a hoe to till the soil on a small farm in Tanzania. (Photo: Mitchell Maher/International Food Policy Institute)

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What Does “Local Coffee” Really Mean?

By Charlie Mitchell

Vermont is widely known as a haven of innovation and progress for all things related to food and agriculture. We take care to buy local, know our farmer and promote practices that are good for the earth. So what about coffee?

local coffee

Photo by Marco Verch

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