Author Archives: Guest Author

What Does “Local Coffee” Really Mean?

By Charlie Mitchell Vermont is widely known as a haven of innovation and progress for all things related to food and agriculture. We take care to buy local, know our farmer and promote practices that are good for the earth. … Continue reading

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Vermont’s Food System Workforce Dilemma

By Ellen Kahler Executive Director, Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund Vermont’s struggle to grow its workforce weakens our economy, inhibits the ability for Vermont businesses to expand their operations, and threatens the ability for Vermonters and future generations to grow and … Continue reading

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The Return of a Sweet Campus Tradition at the UVM Dairy Bar

By Jeffrey Wakefield Given that they’ve just launched an entire new consumer product line, this group of UVM employees is surprisingly calm, even content. Alfina gazes at a stranger and flicks an ear. Gillian nibbles a student’s sleeve. Both are … Continue reading

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Author Michael Moss Exposes How the Food Giants Hooked Us

By Andrea Estey Have you ever snacked on a bag of salty, crunchy chips and gotten the feeling that you just couldn’t stop? You’re not alone. That irresistible sensation is completely by design. It’s just one of the ways the … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Health, UVM | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

A Prescription for Healthy Food in Vermont

By Charlie Mitchell “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Do you believe this old saying? If we, as a state, ate a healthier diet, would we experience fewer issues, and probably spend a lot less on healthcare? If … Continue reading

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