Rachel Ankeny on GMOs, Food Ethics & Consumer Attitudes

By Hailey Grohman

Professor Rachel Ankeny is an associate dean of research and deputy dean in the faculty of arts at the University of Adelaide, Australia, where she leads the Food Values Research Group.

Rachel will be a keynote speaker at the 2016 UVM Food Systems Summit on June 14-15. We talked to Rachel about her interdisciplinary research, GMOs, and the nature of good food.

Your research is very interdisciplinary, varying as widely as history, bioethics and food studies. How do you think that separate disciplines, sometimes with very different methodologies, could work together to think through food systems problems?

Food is an essentially multidisciplinary topic—to look at consumption without also looking at production, for instance, would be absurd. But it also is essential to use a variety of lenses or methods to understand food systems and the multiplicity of questions surrounding them. Of course everything has a history, but the history of food is particularly complex and intriguing, shaping all of what we eat and think about what we eat today, and it arguably has shaped the history of the world. Similarly, our values are deeply entwined with our food choices, habits, and policies. Ultimately, food is part of our biology, so concepts relating to the history and philosophy of the life sciences also are essential. Thus, in order to think through food systems problems and where we are headed, we must reflect on how we got there and how our personal and cultural philosophies have shaped that path.

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Refugee Farmers Set Down Roots, Honor Traditions in Vermont

By Amy Overstreet

Rwanda native Janine Ndagijimana, her husband Faustine and their children moved to Burlington, Vermont in 2007 after living in a refugee camp in Tanzania for 13 years. Now a U.S. citizen, she works closely with Ben Waterman, the New American Farmer Program coordinator at the University of Vermont Extension Service (UVM) Center for Sustainable Agriculture. He manages the Land Access and Assessment Program that helps Vermont’s resettled refugee and immigrant farmers obtain access to the resources they need to pursue their goals as farmers and to link common threads between their new home in America the culture of their homelands.


Janine was one of several farmers who recently attended a meeting of the Association of Africans Living in Vermont to learn about USDA programs and services. Farmers from Burundi, Rwanda, Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo learned about land acquisition, insurance programs, loans to support farming, and technical and financial assistance for implementing conservation farming practices.

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Urban Dairy Markets Catch Up with Vermont Values

By Hailey Grohman

An article in last week’s New York Times describes a “unique” phenomenon that may strike you as fairly normal in Vermont: dairy farms marketing small-scale, local, grass-fed products. The author features farmers putting what seems like a Brooklyn spin on a Vermont norm, opening milk bars to feature their product or even going so far as to deliver bottled milk in an homage to the olden days. It’s a story we’ve heard before: consumers are nostalgic for an imagined time in which food was local, milk was fresh every day, and farmers lived around the corner. For this, they’re willing to pay heartily.


Photo: Solveig Osk/Flickr

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From Meatpacking to Technology: How Russell Hirschorn Navigated a Successful Career Path

By Sarah Tuff Dunn

Russell Hirschorn has plenty of talking points on his résumé—meat-packer at B. Rosen, webmaster at Bedbathstore.com, and systems analyst at Hess Corporation—before his current seven-year stint at Polaris Management, which provides management and technology consulting services to life sciences companies. But there’s one that really stuck with recruiters since he graduated from UVM in 2009: sticker collecting.

“To this day, I’m still well known for that,” says Hirschorn of the hobby. “It was a great differentiator in interviews that made it more of a friendly discussion than an interrogation.”


Photo by Mark Turnauckas/Flickr

A Long Island native, Hirschorn studied management information systems at UVM upon realizing the long-term career options in a rapidly expanding industry. “Every company has some kind of technology component,” he says. “Whether it be internal systems or technology products, every organization is a potential job opportunity.”

Here, Hirschorn shares tips on how to turn hobbies, and hard-earned education, into potential job opportunities.

Tell us about your career stepping-stones at Bedbathstore.com and Hess.

Bedbathstore.com was an after-school and weekend job doing odd tasks—inventory, website management, filling orders, and so on. Nothing exciting. This experience, coupled with working with my dad in the meatpacking business (waking up at 3 a.m. to fill veal and lamb orders and pack livers) pushed me to do well at school by knowing what I definitely didn’t want to do. I met a Hess contact at a UVM networking event and prepared a lot, which included learning as much as I could about the company before the interview. I was honest and well spoken, sent handwritten thank-you cards on personalized stationary to everyone I met, and ended up with an opportunity that really kick-started my career.

Read the full interview on the UVM Outreach Blog.

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Building Brands in a Small Farm Food System

By Mark Cannella

Small farms in Vermont contribute tremendous value to our evolving food system by being nimble enough to respond to shifting consumer demand quickly. Small farms have pioneered niche products, such as multi-variety mesclun mixes and hybrid CSA memberships. They are engaged in cutting-edge production practices, such as air-cooled poultry processing, as well as land practices that benefit our water, air, and wildlife. Owners of small farms are easily accessible to customers through farmers’ markets and events, allowing them to tell (and sell) their story as individuals, families, and responsible stewards of the land.

By 2016, however, many of Vermont’s direct-to-consumer markets or direct wholesale markets (to restaurants and grocers), which have been the bread and butter for our small farms, have gotten very competitive. Since 2012, Vermont Farm and Forest Viability business planners have observed numerous farms pulling out of farmers’ markets or direct accounts due to lackluster sales. These farms are now seeking broader markets.


Why not encourage these small farms to simply scale up? To grow larger and reach an economy of scale that could increase profits? Many have tried but it turns out to be not so easy. Expanding a farm business almost always requires the recruitment, management, and retention of employees, which requires setting up formal payroll practices, absorbing costs to provide worker benefits, and institutionalizing specific farm management practices for others to follow. This requires new skill sets. Scaling up also leads to a customer service focus that many farmers are not interested in fulfilling. This does not mean that small farmers aren’t friendly and courteous to talk to—many excel at that. But an expanding farm must engage with all different types of buyers. Farming and marketing simultaneously is not for everyone.

Yet profitability is a major challenge for small farms that choose to remain small. The Vermont Farm to Plate Strategic Plan has collected U.S. Census data that highlights the financial woes of small farms nationally. Farms are twice as likely to lose money if the farm is a part-time endeavor of the owners. Farms that sell less than $100,000 in goods have a 50 percent chance of profits. Farms that sell between $100,000 and $250,000 when farming is the primary occupation have a more than 85 percent chance to profit. Again, many argue that individual farms need to scale up to increase their efficiencies. It seems like a no-brainer to scale up to meet market demand and also enhance profits, right?

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