Author Michael Moss Exposes How the Food Giants Hooked Us

By Andrea Estey

Have you ever snacked on a bag of salty, crunchy chips and gotten the feeling that you just couldn’t stop? You’re not alone. That irresistible sensation is completely by design. It’s just one of the ways the processed food industry tempts us to eat more of “the food we hate to love,” as author and journalist Michael Moss illuminated at the 2017 Aiken Lecture on Nov. 1.

author Michael moss

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Developing an Exit Strategy to Keep Food Businesses in Vermont

More than 30 percent of the state’s farmland is currently owned or managed by farmers older than 65. An estimated 91 percent of these farmers do not have an operator under the age of 45 working with them.

But this isn’t just a farming problem. Business succession is also a challenge for many Vermont local food industry entrepreneurs who don’t have an exit strategy for their company when they retire. How will these businesses continue to stay in business and remain in Vermont?

keeping food businesses in Vermont

Sarah Waring, executive director of the Center for an Agricultural Economy, introduces Ryan Christiansen of Caledonia Spirits at the Vermont Farm to Plate Gathering in Killington.

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A Prescription for Healthy Food in Vermont

By Charlie Mitchell

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Do you believe this old saying? If we, as a state, ate a healthier diet, would we experience fewer issues, and probably spend a lot less on healthcare?

If that logic follows, shouldn’t we be trading Cortlands for Cortisone? Asparagus for aspirin?

prescription for healthy food

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Farmer Training Student Digs Deep to Advance Her Understanding of Food

Allie Williams learned early on the importance of healthy food. While growing up in Houston and Memphis, her family had always put a big emphasis on cooking and eating right.

But high obesity rates in Memphis, along with a gluten allergy she was diagnosed with in high school, eventually gave Allie the desire to learn more about U.S. food policy.

food policy

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What it Takes to Achieve Food Agency

By Willa Imhoff

I love cooking, but do all 20 year olds feel the same way? In fact, environment, access, and culture makes a big difference in the ability to make choices in regards to food, or as a group of UVM researchers call it, their “food agency.”

Learning to cook in college
Students cooking in the UVM Food Lab.

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