Tag Archives: local foods

UVM Alum Sean Lawson Strikes the Perfect Balance Brewing Local Beer

By Tera Dacek The name “Lawson” may make you think of Lawson’s Finest Liquids, one of Vermont’s most sought-after breweries. But when owner Sean Lawson returned to Vermont after living out west, it was to work in environmental science and … Continue reading

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Meet Vermont Bean Crafters: A Sunday Afternoon with the Crew

By Olivia Percoco “Let thy food be thy medicine…” —Hippocrates On Sunday, March 20, a dozen UVM students representing Real Food Revolution, Slow Food, and the Farm to Table House trekked to the Kingsbury Market Garden in Warren, Vermont, to … Continue reading

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Northeast Kingdom Summit Looks for Opportunities to Grow Local Food Economy

By Taylar Foster Farms in the Northeast Kingdom are seeing more opportunities to diversify, to expand what they grow or raise, and to stay financially viable. This means freezing produce, raising a new breed of livestock, or hosting weddings or … Continue reading

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Life on a Crouton Farm: From Value-added Product to Growing a Local Commodity

Blog post by Debra Heleba. Deb works for University of Vermont Extension where she is the Vermont SARE coordinator and also coordinates eOrganic’s dairy team. This blog post was reprinted with permission from the Women’s Agricultural Network (WAgN), a program of the University of Vermont Extension. For many farmers, … Continue reading

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Vermont is #1 for Locally-Grown Foods

That’s a headline I like to see. What I like even better is the fact that there is now a Locavore Index. Drawing upon U.S. Department of Agriculture and census figures from 2012 and 2011, the 2012 Strolling of the … Continue reading

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