Abby Long of Three Rivers Grown Refines Her Food Distribution and Sales Skills at UVM

When you work for a small food hub, the opportunity for networking and collaborating with colleagues can seem a bit out of reach.

“So many of us in (the food hub) world work in isolation, so it’s great to come together—in the same place—and talk and work out problems in real time and face-to-face, and realize there are others of us out there doing the same work,” says Abby Long, manager of Three Rivers Grown in Pennsylvania.

Abby is referring to UVM’s Food Hub Management Certificate Program, where she had the chance to brainstorm and problem solve with other food system professionals.

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The Dish: Weighing in on Reducing Food Waste

By Sarah Bhimani

Last week City Market hosted The Dish’s ninth panel discussion.  The topic of the evening was food waste and was moderated by Alison Nihart from UVM’s Food Systems Initiative. The panel included Theresa Snow from Salvation Farms, Nick Savasta from Cheese and Wine Traders, Ren Weiner from Miss Weinerz, and Michele Morris from CSWD. This timely topic was even reflected in our snacks as Ren Weiner provided the crowd with samples of her doughnuts made with spent grains from Zero Gravity Brewery.


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Farming and Climate Change: Preparing for Unpredictable Weather Patterns

Like most farmers, Clifford and Sorrel Hatch of Upinngil Farm are grappling with all that comes with climate change, including extreme weather conditions and shifting frost dates.

The 100-acre farm in Gill, Massachusetts, produces dairy, strawberries, tomatoes, and grapes. The farm has seen its frost dates change from May 15 to May 1, and in some years, the farm’s strawberry season has started as early as May and ended by June.

“Our two biggest crops are the milk and the strawberries. Dairy is a different business…animal agriculture will basically shield you from temperamental weather risks,” Clifford says. “The cows are a great buffer against the weather because they don’t care if it’s raining or pouring, and they can graze no matter what.”

The farm is featured in a new UVM Extension/USDA video on climate change and farming.

Watch the video here:

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Report Finds Differing Views Among Americans Over Food Science

The Pew Research Center released last week a survey of attitudes toward genetic modification, organic food, and the importance of eating healthy foods. The survey also found that many American’s don’t trust scientists’ take on food issues.

While more than half of Americans believe organically grown produce is healthier than conventionally grown, 46 percent say that they care about the issue of GMOs “not too much” or “not at all.”

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Researcher Studies the Possibility of Growing Saffron in Vermont

Saffron is a flavorful spice largely grown thousands of miles away in the Middle East.  But that isn’t stopping a UVM researcher from testing the viability of growing saffron right here in Vermont.

Dr. Margaret Skinner, a research professor at the UVM Entomology Research Lab, talked to Vermont Public Radio about whether saffron can be grown in high tunnels in Vermont.

Saffron_uvmPhoto by Ian Thomas Jansen-Lonnquist

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