Category Archives: UVM

In Cuba, Only Tourists Drink Mojitos

By Sarah L. Tichonuk  He squatted, waiting tensely but patiently, and then seeing the right moment, he snuck the 9-inch blade under the armpit and into the heart, and withdrew it immediately. The pig reeled and squealed, but within 10 … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Economic, UVM | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Fortifying a Critical Crop

By Joshua Brown  Perhaps you missed this winter’s news that the price of hummus spiked in Great Britain. The cause, as the New York Timesreported on February 8: drought in India, resulting in a poor harvest of chickpeas. Far beyond making … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, UVM | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Mandatory Labels Reduce GMO Food Fears

By Rachel C. Leslie  As the U.S. Department of Agriculture prepares guidelines for labeling products that contain genetically modified ingredients, a new study from the University of Vermont reveals that a simple disclosure can improve consumer attitudes toward GMO food. … Continue reading

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The Dirt on Farming and Greenhouse Gases

By Sarah Tuff Dunn The thousands of farms that quilt Vermont’s landscape, from the southern foothills of the Green Mountains to the shores of Lake Champlain and the Quebec border, have long made the state an icon of bucolic, healthy … Continue reading

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UVM Alumna Helps Pioneering Cheesemakers Look to the Future

By Melissa Pasanen Seven Days  On a sunny morning in early May, Marjorie Susman walked by bright tulips and daffodils, past the greenhouse, and down the stone stairway to the Orb Weaver Farm cheese room to start the season’s penultimate Monday … Continue reading

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