Category Archives: Social

Digging In: New book from UVM faculty takes a critical look at food systems

UVM Extension faculty members Lisa Chase and Vern Grubinger recently co-authored Food, Farms, and Community: Exploring Food Systems. In this post, we ask them about the writing experience and what they hope readers will glean from the book. Lisa Chase will be at Phoenix Books … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social, UVM, Vermont | 1 Comment

Transplants: The value of a garden in an uprooted life (Transplantes: El valor de un jardín en una vida desarraigada)

By the Huertas team Huerta: a kitchen garden where one can cultivate and harvest produce, herbs, and flowers Huertas is a community-based project that works with Latino(a) farm workers to plant gardens on the dairy farms where they live and work. … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Health, Social, UVM, Vermont | 2 Comments

Cuisine in Transition

An Interview with Julieta Salazar Robert at Villada in Oaxaca, Mexico It’s that time of year again when UVM’s Oaxaca Study Abroad program starts and a curious bunch of undergraduates, from many different majors, come together to learn about Mexico’s … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Recipe, Social, UVM | Leave a comment

Breaking Free of our (Food) Chain$

By Jane Kolodinsky I consider myself lucky to have seen an advance screening of FoodChain$, a documentary from the producers of Fast Food Nation and Food, Inc., while I was at the American Public Health Meetings in New Orleans this … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Social | 2 Comments

Keepin’ It Real

Yesterday I went to get my snow tires put on at our local tire place. And in order for you to continue reading, I want you to know I’m aware that the errand is two months overdue. As I entered, … Continue reading

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