A Successful Exercise in Zero Food Waste at UVM

By Eva Sherman

UVM hosted this month the 5th Annual UVM Food Systems Summit, which engaged attendees in conversations about “what makes food good?” This included topics of food security, GMOs, and food waste. From the UVM Dining perspective, that last topic was where we turned our focus. While UVM has been donating edible food and composting the rest for years, the event was a chance to take a closer look at operations and audience engagement.


Chefs Sarah, Steve, and Adam carefully minimized and repurposed trim waste. The strawberry tops were used to infuse a lemonade and turnip peels were turned into crisps and offered as a salad topping.

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Alumna Calley Hastings Finds the Sweet Spot in the Specialty Food World

A decade ago, Fat Toad Farm started out as a simple experiment in homesteading. Calley Hastings ‘07 and her family hand-milked a French alpine doe named Jupiter in their Brookfield garage to make goat’s milk caramel sauce for friends and to sell at the local farmers’ market. Back then, the family never dreamed they would one day be producing 18 gallons of caramel per day to sell to across the country.


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Photo Journal: The 2016 Food Systems Summit

Last week, the 5th annual UVM Food Systems Summit drew 300 scholars, students, farmers, and representatives from business, nonprofit, and government sectors. The 2016 theme, “What Makes Food Good?” prompted provocative presentations and conversations during a packed two days, during which participants heard from three keynote speakers and participated in over 35 concurrent sessions.

Videos of the keynote talks will be available on the UVM Food Systems YouTube channel in the coming weeks.

All photos by Ian Thomas Jansen-Lonnquist (Instagram @iantom /@everydayasia, Twitter @itjlphoto), unless otherwise noted.

UVMFoodSummit-12 Doug Lantagne, director of the UVM Food Systems Initiative, welcomes the crowd on Tuesday morning. Continue reading

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Tackling the Complexities and Challenges of a Globalized Food System

I was at the UVM Food Systems Summit last week listening to various conversations at packed tables around me. This year’s Summit focused on “What Makes Food Good?” The tables within earshot were trying to wrestle with this definition based on what the presenter just spoke about, and how to intertwine it with their personal beliefs. As I sat here I could hear these important conversations of people from all walks of life talking face to face. I heard conversations about GMOs, food waste, social justice, activism, local, organic, farmers, distribution, industrial food, purveyors, and education. I heard farmers talking to academics, and students talking to everyone.


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UVM Summit Addresses “What Makes Food Good?”

By Hailey Grohman

Who decides what good food is? Is it policymakers, researchers, corporate officers, consumers? How do they decide? Using scientific evidence, cultural values, or other factors? Further, what are the effects of these decisions? This week, hundreds of food systems activists and enthusiasts filled UVM’s Davis Center for two days to pursue just these questions.


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