Tag Archives: Vermont

How to Grow Your Own Hops

Editor’s Note: The owners of Homestead Hops in Starksboro will share their experiences with starting a hopyard at a UVM Extension-sponsored field day on Sept. 1. Kelly and Kathleen Norris will describe the investments, start-up challenges and other steps they … Continue reading

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A Farm-to-Food Shelf Story

By Mariah Notini Last semester I took a class, Envisioning a Just Food System, at the University of Vermont. It was the first time in my three years of college that I realized the magnitude of social inequality in our … Continue reading

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New Report Reveals Farm to Institution Trends in Food Distribution

A new research report from Farm to Institution New England (FINE) surveyed food distributors to gather their perspectives on institutional demand for local products and identify the challenges and opportunities they face in serving this segment of the food market. … Continue reading

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Investing in Open Space for Community Food Programs

By Travis Marcotte Intervale Center Executive Director The USDA Forest Service estimates that 6,000 acres of open space in the U.S. are lost to houses and other development each year. We also know that, due to an aging farmer population, … Continue reading

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On-the-Farm Dinners Draw Food Lovers to Valley Dream Farm in Cambridge

Anne Tisbert is a farmer, entrepreneur, tour guide, and mother. At Valley Dream Farm, which she purchased with her husband, Joe, in 1992, she rises early each day to tend to organic produce—red beets, sugar snap peas, rhubarb, and tomatoes—that … Continue reading

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