Dr. Lisa Heldke on Food Studies & Our Interrelations in the World

Lisa HeldkeDr. Lisa Heldke teaches in the Philosophy Department and the Gender, Women, Sexuality Studies Program at Gustavus Adolphus College, where she holds the Sponberg Chair in Ethics. Much of her scholarly work has been devoted to the explication and exploration of the philosophical significance of food, foodmaking and agriculture. She will be co-teaching the John Dewey Kitchen Institute at UVM this summer with UVM’s Dr. Cynthia Belliveau on the pedagogical power of the kitchen to teach any topic, within a frame of collaboration and cooperation.

As a Philosophy professor, how did you arrive at this fascinating area of study?

I was always interested in cooking and food, since I was a very little girl. However, when I entered philosophy, I felt very acutely like I must keep this part of my life separate from my “serious, academic” part. Then, at the end of my dissertation (on the nature of objectivity), an offhand analogy I made between theory making and recipe construction led a friend to say, “You know, you should write about that.” I sort of fell down a rabbit hole at that point and began to write about food with some regularity. I must say that it was, at the time, career suicide.

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Upcoming Food Systems Speakers at UVM

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at UVM!

Author Barry Estabrook with pigs at Glynwood Institute, NY

February 16: Barry Estabrook

1:00–2:30 PM
Silver Maple Ballroom, Davis Center, UVM

Of Hogs and Humans: Searching for a Sustainable Porkchop

Barry Estabrook, James Beard Award-winning journalist, author, and former contributing editor at Gourmet Magazine, will speak about modern hog production and his experience of being an investigative journalist on food systems issues.

His 2011 book, Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit, was aNew York Times bestseller, won the Farmworker Justice Award, and inspired the 2014 documentary Food Chains. Continue reading

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Tortillas With Soul

Photo credit: All Souls Tortilleria

Hand carved limestone grinder; Photo credit: All Souls Tortilleria

By Sarah Bhimani, Outreach and Education Manager, City Market, Onion River Co-op

City Market, a community owned food co-op in Burlington, VT, has a list of Global Ends to guide its business. One of City Market’s Global Ends is “strengthening the local food system,” which is met through a myriad of activities and programs, including highlighting and selling local products (37% of sales in fiscal year 2015 were local and made in Vermont products); planning farm tours and crop mobs for the community; its Co-op Patronage Seedling Grants Program; and its Local Farm and Producer Investment Program.

The Local Farm and Producer Investment Program is one tool that can be used to meet Vermont Farm to Plate Network’s Goal 20: Increasing Access to Capital. Each year, City Market uses a minimum of 5% of the previous year’s retained earnings to invest in local farmer or producer expansion projects. This investment is a no-interest loan that the farmer or producer can choose to pay back over time, either in cash or with product.

To help inform the Local Farm and Producer Investment Program, City Market has a local product gap list to advise farmers and producers about local products still needed in the store, as well as saturated product categories. Local corn tortillas had been on the gap list for a long time, until the Co-op started talking with Joe Bossen of Vermont Bean Crafters about how to fill that gap. Continue reading

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Local farm focus for Vermont’s 2016 legislative session

AB website picby Andrew Bahrenburg

Vermont’s citizen legislators returned to Montpelier last month, with full plates. And while this year’s election cycle—as well as lightning-rod issues like marijuana legalization, paid sick leave, and the state’s budget deficit—will surely suck up much of the capital’s political oxygen, there’s plenty at stake for the state’s small farmers and local eaters.

The small-scale farming sector in Vermont is thriving. While farms around the country continue to consolidate into fewer and fewer hands, the number of Vermont farms is on the rise, and the average size of farms in the state is actually shrinking. But as the state’s agricultural economy shifts toward small-scale, diversified farming, so too must its regulatory framework. For many small farmers, state regulations designed for large-scale industry impose costly barriers between farmer and consumer and lack the flexibility required of today’s small farm.

Here’s what Vermont’s small farmers, and the local consumers who support them, are likely to focus on in the 2016 legislative session: Continue reading

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UVM’s 2016 Food Systems Summit Releases Call for Proposals


by Hailey Groham

For five consecutive years, food systems advocates and enthusiasts have flocked to Burlington for UVM’s Food Systems Summit. This year, participants will gather June 14-15, for the conference, themed “What Makes Food Good?” This question will be pondered through keynote speakers, plenary sessions, roundtable discussions, and concurrent sessions chosen through an innovative session selection process.

As described in the Call for Proposals, participants have the opportunity to submit session proposals, then vote on the sessions they would most like to attend. Summit organizers developed this unique format due to feedback from previous participants asking for more time to interact with each other in dynamic ways. Submissions for concurrent sessions will be accepted now through January 29, followed by the voting process from March 1 – 10. The Summit theme, “What Makes Food Good?”, is a complex, multifaceted question with no one correct answer. If you have an idea, be it biological, cultural, nutritional, or philosophical, consider submitting a proposal for a concurrent session. See you in June!

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