Category Archives: Social

Civil Eats gives Vermont a shout out

Earlier this week, Civil Eats published an excellent piece about Vermont and our extensive work in local food systems across the state. It is not a secret that Vermonters have a lot of pride in their state, and this profile … Continue reading

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How to talk about food and why it matters

By Smita Narula An estimated 49 million Americans live in “food insecure” households, meaning they cannot afford adequate food for themselves or their families.  In other words nearly one in six individuals, in the richest country in the world, struggles … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social | 1 Comment

Raj Patel on Gender Inequity in the Food System

Raj Patel is an award-winning writer, activist and academic. He is a Research Professor in the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin and a Senior Research Associate at the Unit for the Humanities at Rhodes University (UHURU), … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Social | 1 Comment

Global Food, Local Food:  Farmers from Africa and Asia bring new crops to Vermont

By Cheryl Herrick A new publication is changing perceptions about what constitutes “local” and what the picture of a Vermont farmer might be. Global Food, Local Food: Guide to Growing, Harvesting & Preserving African & Asian Crops in the Northeast is … Continue reading

Posted in Recipe, Social, UVM | 1 Comment

Sneak Peek of the 2015 Food Systems Summit

On June 16-17, scholars, students, farmers, and food systems leaders will converge at UVM for the fourth annual UVM Food Systems Summit: “The Right to Food: Power, Policy, and Politics in the 21st Century.” Many of us here at UVM have … Continue reading

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