Tag Archives: farming

UVM Extension Video Project Focuses on Education and Access

By Cheryl Herrick When farmers in the US need help, they tend to know that there are federal US Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs available to help them. But for new Americans, these resources may not be on their radar … Continue reading

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Food Waste Gets Second Life as Renewable Energy on Vermont Dairy Farm

By Laura Hardie Recycling is at the heart of dairy farming. Water is recycled to use on crops or to clean the milking parlor. Manure is recycled as fertilizer for the fields or converted into electricity on farms with cow-power … Continue reading

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Northeast Kingdom Summit Looks for Opportunities to Grow Local Food Economy

By Taylar Foster Farms in the Northeast Kingdom are seeing more opportunities to diversify, to expand what they grow or raise, and to stay financially viable. This means freezing produce, raising a new breed of livestock, or hosting weddings or … Continue reading

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A week on the farm in three photos

by Molly Leebove, UVM Farmer Training Program Staff Every Friday through the growing season, we will post a few photos from the past week at UVM’s Catamount Educational Farm and the UVM Farmer Training Program. From these you will get … Continue reading

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24-Hour, All You Can Eat…Local Food?

What if we made local food as accessible as fast food? As in available 24/7. Imagine a future in which our edible landscape is dotted with farm stands, teeming with fresh produce and products all day long and well into … Continue reading

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