What Are You Ordering, Michael Pollan?

By Claudia Garber

One week ago at Burlington’s Hen of the Wood restaurant, I shared a meal with Michael Pollan. The gathering was the epilogue to Pollan’s talk at UVM earlier in the evening (summarized in a previous Food Feed post by Eric Garza). Amidst the crackle of the open fire oven, the thick slabs of glossed wood that served as tables, and an air filled with rich aromas, I dined among some of the more prominent food systems characters on campus. After being chosen from the UVM student body to partake in this amazing opportunity, all I could ironically wonder was: what should I get from this elaborate menu? Being the generally outgoing and enthusiastic character that I am, I leaned over to Michael Pollan and asked, as I have so many times to my own mother, “What are you getting?”

Michael Pollan on stage with UVM Professor Amy Trubek. Credit: Sally McCay.

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I’ve been Pollan-ated…

michaelpollanEach year the University of Vermont chooses a book that all first year undergraduates are expected to read. This year they chose Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation, by Michael Pollan, a book I reviewed a while back. If Michael Pollan is anything, he’s certainly an excellent storyteller. As part of the curricula associated with Cooked, several groups teamed up to bring Michael Pollan to campus for a question and answer session and book signing this past Thursday evening, and I was lucky enough to attend the event.  Continue reading

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Happy Food Day!

Every October 24, U.S. Food Day is an opportunity to come together in our communities to learn, act, and celebrate. Today, more than 8,000 events in all 50 U.S. states are taking place in honor of Food Day. Read on to see the full day of activities at UVM. Not in Burlington today? You can find events across the country at www.foodday.org.

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Farm Internships: Time to revisit the fair wage labor law

By Matthew Myers

Vermont farmers have been in the news lately for violating complicated labor laws that exempt agricultural labor from certain standards, but not other farm activities, like processing milk into cheese. Since the VT Department of Labor began investigating agricultural labor in 2013, many farmers have paid fines and back wages to remedy the violations. Interestingly, these same laws apply to students from UVM and elsewhere seeking agricultural skills through a longstanding real-world learning model: internships.

Organic Farm 2012

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Why Food Hubs Need Skilled Employees for Long-Term Viability

Food hubs are gaining traction in the local food movement. But as with any viable enterprise, operating a food hub requires a diverse set of skills to succeed.

Sixty-two percent of food hubs have been in existence for five years or less. The United States Department of Agriculture announced last month that it’s spending millions to support local food and regional food systems – including food hubs – and to encourage research on organic farming. As consumers seek to know more about where and how their food is grown, the local food movement is becoming one of the fastest growing segments of the agricultural economy.

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