Taxing Sugary Drinks: A win-win for public health and the farm economy?

By Anthony Iarrapino, Rachel K. Johnson, & Tina Zuk

The staggering amount of sugar we drink is making us sick. Cheap, widely-available sugary drinks—sodas, sports and energy drinks, “fruit” punches, and sweetened teas—are the largest single source of added sugars in the American diet. Sugary drink consumption has skyrocketed by five hundred percent in the last fifty years. All that liquid sugar is helping to fuel an obesity epidemic that is costing Vermont hundreds of millions of dollars each year to treat preventable illnesses like Type II diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Now, a public health campaign in Vermont is promoting a potential solution.

Soda Pop Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social, Vermont | 51 Comments

State of Implementation: A report back from the 2014 Farm to Plate Network Gathering

By Ellen Kahler

On October 23-24, 2014, approximately 300 members attended the Farm to Plate Network Annual Gathering held at the Killington Grand Conference Center to review the progress towards implementing Vermont’s Farm to Plate Strategic Plan and learn about the next set of challenges facing Vermont’s evolving food system.

Attendees speak about food system issues at the Farm to Plate Annual Gathering

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The Joy of Regulation: Part I

Radithor.squareLate one November afternoon, Eben Byers was heading home to New York from Massachusetts. He had just finished watching Yale skunk Harvard 14-0 in their annual football game. On the ride back, Byers injured his arm. Several weeks later, he was still in pain. A medical professional recommended Radithor.

At first, Byers felt great. He drank a few bottles of Radithor every day for two years. Then, something changed. Byers lost weight. He complained of headaches. His teeth started falling out. The next year, his entire upper jaw, except two front teeth, and most of his lower jaw were gone. Holes formed in his skull. His bone tissue disintegrated. A short time later, Byers was dead. Continue reading

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Getting a Taste of Hop Farming in Vermont

Vermont is better known for its beer than its hops.

With more than 30 breweries in Vermont, including The Alchemist, Hill Farmstead, and Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Vermont has the highest number of craft breweries per capita in the United States. Over the past five years, Vermont has become a wildly popular destination for beer aficionados.

But local hops are a different story. Vermont has only about a dozen small, commercial hop farms as most hop production occurs in the Pacific Northwest. Jessica Heinrich, who graduated from the UVM Farmer Training Program in October, sees an opportunity to change that.

hops-farming Continue reading

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Real Food, Real Forums: The future of UVM dining

By Olivia Peña

With Sodexo’s dining contract ending on June 30, 2015, UVM is currently engaged in a competitive bid process for the next contract. As this change approaches, UVM students, staff, and faculty have an opportunity to affect the next dining contract.  In an unprecedented level of transparency and community involvement, UVM has invited two dining vendors to present their proposals to the UVM community at Open Forums next Monday, November 17.

Dining Vendor Forums Fall 2014 Continue reading

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