Study: Climate Change a Buzzkill for Coffee Producers

By Basil Waugh

Global warming could reduce coffee growing areas in Latin America — the world’s largest coffee-producing region — by as much as 88 percent by 2050.

That’s a key takeaway of the first major study of climate change’s projected impacts on coffee, and the bees that help coffee to grow. The findings appear in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

climate change affecting coffee

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How Technology is Shaping the Future of Farming

By Rene Thibault

In New England, Vermont is home to roughly 860 dairy farmers.  It’s a $2.2 billion industry powered by the state’s 134,000 cows.  The essence of the dairy farm hasn’t changed, but walking into the farmyard is a much different experience.

On a sunny morning in northern Vermont, young dairy farming brothers Dale and Dylan Nelson, and Dylan’s wife Meg, are busy at work with controller in hand.  With ­­motors whirling, a white-drone lifts into the air.  The trio has dealt with a rainy, wet summer.  The drone is used to monitor their corn fields through a mounted camera.


Dylan and Meg Nelson 

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Agroecology: Science, Movement, and Practice

By Samuel Bevet

Modern industrialized agriculture has allowed massive quantities of food to be produced by fewer and fewer farmers. However, this has not lead to equitable food distribution across the globe. Global food insecurity remains a pressing issue. Industrial agriculture relies on synthetic inputs to control soil fertility, pests, and weeds, which can be costly and environmentally detrimental. Agroecology has become a popular response to these social and ecological concerns.

Annual International Agroecology short-course

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Rooted in Vermont: Uniting all Vermonters around Local Food

By Rachel Carter
Communications Director, Vermont Farm to Plate Network

Vermonters were farming, gardening, fishing, and hunting long before there were craft beers and gourmet burgers. Traditions like gardening, hunting, fishing, and foraging are as core to Vermont’s local food movement as purchasing local food from farmers, restaurants, schools, and stores. Rooted in Vermont is a grassroots movement that empowers all Vermonters to be a part of the local food movement.

rooted in Vermont

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UVM Students Receive James Beard Foundation Scholarships

Two UVM students are recipients of a prestigious scholarship from the James Beard Foundation National Scholars Program, which awards $20,000 scholarships to ten students across the United States.

Alisha Utter is a doctoral student in Plant and Soil Science is developing a research project working with farmers while at the same time establishing her own farm. Olivia Peña is an incoming master’s student in the Food Systems Graduate Program, who plans to work in food and agriculture policy.

James beard scholarships

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