Category Archives: UVM

I’ve been Pollan-ated…

Each year the University of Vermont chooses a book that all first year undergraduates are expected to read. This year they chose Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation, by Michael Pollan, a book I reviewed a while back. If Michael Pollan is anything, … Continue reading

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Happy Food Day!

Every October 24, U.S. Food Day is an opportunity to come together in our communities to learn, act, and celebrate. Today, more than 8,000 events in all 50 U.S. states are taking place in honor of Food Day. Read on to see the … Continue reading

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Farm Internships: Time to revisit the fair wage labor law

By Matthew Myers Vermont farmers have been in the news lately for violating complicated labor laws that exempt agricultural labor from certain standards, but not other farm activities, like processing milk into cheese. Since the VT Department of Labor began … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Social, UVM | 2 Comments

Why Food Hubs Need Skilled Employees for Long-Term Viability

Food hubs are gaining traction in the local food movement. But as with any viable enterprise, operating a food hub requires a diverse set of skills to succeed. Sixty-two percent of food hubs have been in existence for five years … Continue reading

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One Season at UVM Turned this Scientist into a Farmer

Julia Cosgrove thought she would become a research scientist after college. But her career plans changed after joining the UVM Farmer Training Program.

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