Category Archives: Social

Why We’re Hosting a Food Systems Summit

We’ve heard in many times, there are nearly 7 billion people who need to eat every day and more coming. And we have a global food system that degrades our land, our health, and increasingly our humanity through short-sighted practices … Continue reading

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RECIPE: Rhubarb Wine

Rhubarb is a harbinger of spring. When little else is available to eat from the early spring garden, the long red stalks with fanning leaves offer to cooks a strong, tart fruit (okay, technically vegetable) to incorporate into their dishes. … Continue reading

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RECIPE: Warm Spinach Mascarpone Dip

In celebration of National Dairy Month, Vermonters are virtually obliged to celebrate the almighty Holstein, Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire and Brown Swiss during the month of June. And rightly so – the dairy industry is tops in the state, accounting for … Continue reading

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Breakthrough Food Leader Carolina Lukac

Guest blog post from Carolina Lukac, a participant in our Breakthrough Leaders Program for Sustainable Food Systems. She is a co-founder of Huerto Romita, an urban agriculture demonstration and education center focused on community development and activism through garden-based learning … Continue reading

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Vermont is #1 for Locally-Grown Foods

That’s a headline I like to see. What I like even better is the fact that there is now a Locavore Index. Drawing upon U.S. Department of Agriculture and census figures from 2012 and 2011, the 2012 Strolling of the … Continue reading

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