Category Archives: Social

Faces of Farming: Will Gowen of the 2012 Farmer Training Program at UVM

Will Gowen, a graduate of the UVM Farmer Training Program, grew up in the suburbs of Buffalo, NY. You can contact him at or visit his new farming business online at Cold River Collective. Will’s Story He invested most … Continue reading

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What’s All the Buzz?

Part of our series of student blog posts. This post comes from student Amanda Neubelt. Amanda was in the course “Strategic Writing for Public Communications,” part of UVM’s Community Development and Applied Economics Program. What’s all the buzz about bees? … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Health, Social | 6 Comments

What are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)?

Part of our series of student blog posts. This post comes from Amy Lipsitz, a 2012 graduate of the University of Vermont. Amy was in the course Strategic Writing for Public Communications, part of UVM’s Community Development and Applied Economics … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Health, Social | 29 Comments

Food Security and Smallholder Coffee Production: Current Issues and Future Directions

After the Harvest, a website and blog supported by Green Mountain Coffee Roasters which specifically targets the coffee industry, recently posted of a policy brief on food security and smallholder coffee farmers ( “Food Security and Smallholder Coffee Production: Current … Continue reading

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New UVM Working Group Launches: Gender, Class & Food

You know those 1950’s refrigerator commercials? The iconic 50’s mother (well, probably a mom. It depends on the ad’s target audience) showing off her perfect new Frigidaire refrigerator to her husband. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, … Continue reading

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