Category Archives: Social

Food (and Fermentations) that Keep Us Connected

By Maria Carabello One of the most overarching lessons I was presented with in my first semester as a food systems master’s student is that food is a hub for connections. It connects people with pastures, and products with places. … Continue reading

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Welcome to the Spice Age

By Myles Cox Over the past decade, the popularity of chili peppers has risen almost as quickly as the Scoville units of the hottest peppers. As we move into a globalized society, people throughout the world are discovering new exotic … Continue reading

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Dispatches from the Field: My first months in Costa Rica

In August 2013, my family and I left Vermont for a one year sabbatical at the Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), near the city of Turrialba, Costa Rica. CATIE is one of the oldest graduate schools in … Continue reading

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Farmer Training: A Passion for Growing Food

Caitlin and Jason Rodriguez Elberson completed UVM’s Farmer Training program in October 2013. The married couple, who met in a Spanish literature class at Villanova University in 2007, share a love for farming and sustainable living. We interviewed Caitlin and … Continue reading

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Behind the Cheese Counter: Cheesemongers’ role in the success & appreciation of Vermont artisan cheese

By Rachel DiStefano When I first told my family and friends that I was doing my master’s thesis on cheesemongers, I encountered mixed reactions. The cheese lovers in my life were excited—some even jealous—but others were confused. My favorite reaction … Continue reading

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