Category Archives: Social

Local: to be or not to be?

By Erica Campbell, Vermont Farm to Plate program director Since the beginning planning stages of the Farm to Plate Strategic Plan we have heard many definitions about what “local food” means in terms of geographic boundaries. Early localvores often used a … Continue reading

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Cream of the Crop: The Cabot Creamery Cooperative

By Rachel Freund Some farming communities share knowledge, skills, and tools to increase their overall success. Founded in 1919 by nearly 100 farmers, Cabot Creamery, an independent cooperative, became a hub for pooling funds and excess liquid milk, which would … Continue reading

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A Glimpse of June: Gearing up for the 2014 UVM Food Systems Summit!

As we struggle to stay warm in VT’s frigid winter temperatures, I’m busy thinking a lot about next June. But it’s not just the warm weather and outdoor farmers’ markets I’m looking forward to—we’re also deep in planning for the … Continue reading

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Fire (blight) alarm! The debate about antibiotic use in apple production

By Madeleine Lyman Before the arrival of Columbus, the only variety of apple native to the U.S. was the crabapple. Originally spread around the world via animal droppings, apples were first widely cultivated in orchards by the Romans.  Today, there … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social | 2 Comments

A Slice of Culture: The terroir of raw milk cheese

By Brittany Dooling If you are reading this and you live in Vermont, chances are good you’ve heard the hype about raw milk cheese. Maybe you’ve tried Jasper Hill’s raw Bayley Hazen Blue or some Vermont Shepherd. Maybe you’ve even … Continue reading

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