Category Archives: Social

What Does Sustainable Agriculture Mean to You?

Laurie Reese uprooted her life in the Pacific Northwest to learn how to become a farmer. The 54-year-old grandmother resigned from her office manager job and drove cross-country with her 76-year-old father last spring to join UVM’s Farmer Training program.

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Taxing Sugary Drinks: A win-win for public health and the farm economy?

By Anthony Iarrapino, Rachel K. Johnson, & Tina Zuk The staggering amount of sugar we drink is making us sick. Cheap, widely-available sugary drinks—sodas, sports and energy drinks, “fruit” punches, and sweetened teas—are the largest single source of added sugars … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social, Vermont | 51 Comments

The Joy of Regulation: Part I

Late one November afternoon, Eben Byers was heading home to New York from Massachusetts. He had just finished watching Yale skunk Harvard 14-0 in their annual football game. On the ride back, Byers injured his arm. Several weeks later, he … Continue reading

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Real Food, Real Forums: The future of UVM dining

By Olivia Peña With Sodexo’s dining contract ending on June 30, 2015, UVM is currently engaged in a competitive bid process for the next contract. As this change approaches, UVM students, staff, and faculty have an opportunity to affect the … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social, UVM | 2 Comments

What Are You Ordering, Michael Pollan?

By Claudia Garber One week ago at Burlington’s Hen of the Wood restaurant, I shared a meal with Michael Pollan. The gathering was the epilogue to Pollan’s talk at UVM earlier in the evening (summarized in a previous Food Feed … Continue reading

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