Category Archives: Health

Sneak Peek of the 2015 Food Systems Summit

On June 16-17, scholars, students, farmers, and food systems leaders will converge at UVM for the fourth annual UVM Food Systems Summit: “The Right to Food: Power, Policy, and Politics in the 21st Century.” Many of us here at UVM have … Continue reading

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Digging In: New book from UVM faculty takes a critical look at food systems

UVM Extension faculty members Lisa Chase and Vern Grubinger recently co-authored Food, Farms, and Community: Exploring Food Systems. In this post, we ask them about the writing experience and what they hope readers will glean from the book. Lisa Chase will be at Phoenix Books … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social, UVM, Vermont | 1 Comment

Transplants: The value of a garden in an uprooted life (Transplantes: El valor de un jardín en una vida desarraigada)

By the Huertas team Huerta: a kitchen garden where one can cultivate and harvest produce, herbs, and flowers Huertas is a community-based project that works with Latino(a) farm workers to plant gardens on the dairy farms where they live and work. … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Health, Social, UVM, Vermont | 2 Comments

Why Public Input on FSMA Matters (The Joy of Regulation, Part III)

This is the third and final post in our series on the Food Safety Modernization Act. If you’re not caught up, we encourage you to check out Part I on the history of the FDA’s role in regulating food safety … Continue reading

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FSMA: A Serious Law with Serious Flaws (The Joy of Regulation, Part II)

A few weeks ago, our post The Joy of Regulation: Part I offered a general primer on regulation in the United States. It focused on how an agency like the FDA gained so much power to write, enforce, and adjudicate … Continue reading

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