Category Archives: Social

A Changing Climate: Is the political tide turning?

Today’s post is a bit of a tangent from the usual food topics on which we publish, though it is rooted in the topic of global sustainability. On Monday, I witnessed a moving political event in Massachusetts, when I attended … Continue reading

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Bridging our (Agri)cultural Gaps

By Chuck Ross We are in the midst of a pivotal period for American agriculture. Culturally, Americans are increasingly becoming more interested in food and fiber. And yet, less than 2 percent of the population makes a living farming or … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social | Leave a comment Driving a new model of workplace dining

If you have spent any time in Burlington, VT, you’ve probably heard of The company provides web development services for the auto industry and employs over 800 people in the Burlington area. As a significant local employer, they are known … Continue reading

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Waste Not, Want Not

This is part 1 in a 2-part series on food waste. Our next post will dig into Vermont’s new universal recycling law, which outlines a recovery hierarchy for food waste. “Thrift is poetic because it is creative; waste is unpoetic … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social | 3 Comments

The Invisible Hands of Vermont’s Dairy Industry

By Amalia Smith Hale When I moved to Burlington in September 2013, I remember being blown away by the idyllic serenity and beauty of the Vermont landscape. I took a four-day bike ride with my family through the country roads … Continue reading

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