Category Archives: Social

RECIPE: Venison Stew

In 2011, over 12,000 deer were hunted in Vermont. With the average deer weighing 190 pounds, that amounts to roughly 2.2 million pounds of meat and carcass that needs to be processed. It’s no wonder entire cookbooks are devoted to … Continue reading

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Video Snack: Patty Cantrell on Diversifying & Localizing Food Choices

Patty Cantrell is a journalist and community organizer focused on making the business case for local and regional food. At Regional Food Solutions LLC, she works with nonprofit and educational clients to commuicate new food and farm business options and … Continue reading

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Weekly Vermont Food Events: 11/28-12/5

Wednesday (Nov 28) Making Change: Is it worth a penny an ounce? The Center for Rural Studies and the Food Systems Research Collaborative host this group of panelists who will discuss the likely impacts if a tax were enacted on … Continue reading

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Spritzer-Something or Other

Thanksgiving preparations are upon us.  A glance out the kitchen window reveals the few lone brussel sprouts standing like sentinels over the raised beds full of garlic nestled amongst the straw.  But, back to the matter at hand … preparations … Continue reading

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#FoodThanks for Thanksgiving

From the Ag Chat Foundation: “Our nation’s Thanksgiving holiday presents a prime opportunity to help remind people to “thank a farmer” for the food on their table. Many Americans this month are using their personal Facebook pages and Twitter feeds … Continue reading

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