Category Archives: Environmental

Should Vermonters Embrace “Meatless Mondays?”

Last fall I received a phone call from a Vermont college student who was wondering if the Center for Sustainable Agriculture took a stance on whether meat is part of a sustainable diet. It struck me as a curious question … Continue reading

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Growing season: Can a farmer be cultivated in six months?

The eclectic group of students in UVM’s Farmer Training Program — comprised of engineers, financiers and recent college grads — was highlighted in this weekend’s edition of the Burlington Free Press. Here’s a taste of the article: “The program teaches … Continue reading

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A Vermont Farmer’s Story

Corie Pierce, of Bread & Butter Farm in Shelburne, VT, tells the story of how she became a farmer. Video was originally shot at our UVM Food Systems Summit in June 2012. Enjoy!

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From Crack to Cucumbers: Stephen Ritz Changes Children’s Lives Through Food

Stephen Ritz is a South Bronx teacher/administrator. With the help of extended student and community family they have grown over 25,000 pounds of vegetables in the Bronx while generating extraordinary academic performance. His Bronx classroom features the first indoor edible wall in … Continue reading

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What Happens When You Put 100 Food Leaders in a Room? New England Food Summit Convenes at UVM

What happens when you put 100 New England food leaders in a room together for a day to consider a common vision?  Lots of smart people with great ideas and questions build important bonds and agree to keep talking. This … Continue reading

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