Category Archives: Environmental

Cultivating Organic Heroes: An interview with Bob Scowcroft, part II

I recently had a chance to speak with Bob Scowcroft, long-time leader in the organic movement and co-founder of the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF). During a delightfully meandering conversation, we talked about his early organizing experience, how far the organic industry … Continue reading

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Cultivating Organic Heroes: An interview with Bob Scowcroft, part I

I recently had a chance to speak with Bob Scowcroft, long-time leader in the organic movement and co-founder of the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF). During a delightfully meandering conversation, we talked about his early organizing experience, how far the organic industry … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social | 1 Comment

Serving up the Season: Tasting tomatoes at UVM

By Kaitlyn Elias Kaitlyn Elias is a seasonal staff member for the Farmer Training Program at the University of Vermont. In this post, she shares about a tomato tasting at UVM last month. heirloom  noun \ˈer-ˌlüm\: a horticultural variety that has … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social | 1 Comment

Species on the Edge (of a Knife): Can bluefin tuna survive the sushi craze?

By Marguerite Swick Marguerite Swick is a senior nursing student in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Vermont. She wrote this piece for an environmental cooking class she took this past summer at UVM. Sushi … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social | 2 Comments

Food Cooperatives: Chain grocers don’t stand a chance

By Carter Curran Carter Curran is a senior at UVM majoring in psychology with a minor in nutrition.  She wrote this piece, which uses the S.E.E.D. framework themes we feature on this blog, for an Environmental Cooking class she took … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social | 2 Comments