Category Archives: Environmental

Dispatches from the Field: My first months in Costa Rica

In August 2013, my family and I left Vermont for a one year sabbatical at the Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), near the city of Turrialba, Costa Rica. CATIE is one of the oldest graduate schools in … Continue reading

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Controlling Pests with Plants: The power of intercropping

By Gemelle Brion I’m interested in farming practices that use the ecology of the farm to correct resource and pest imbalances. Intercropping is a prime example of such a practice. Practices that rely on on-farm ecology can reduce pesticide use, … Continue reading

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Farmer Training: A Passion for Growing Food

Caitlin and Jason Rodriguez Elberson completed UVM’s Farmer Training program in October 2013. The married couple, who met in a Spanish literature class at Villanova University in 2007, share a love for farming and sustainable living. We interviewed Caitlin and … Continue reading

Posted in Economic, Environmental, Health, Social | 1 Comment

Feeding Ten Billion

I recently travelled in India and on the flights read Ten Billion by Stephen Emmott. In it he describes the crises we face because of population growth, climate change, environmental degradation, water and energy shortage, etc. Sadly, Emmott concludes that … Continue reading

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Gathering for VT’s Food System: Report back from a statewide food system initiative

By Chris Howell If there’s one takeaway from the Vermont Farm to Plate Annual Network Gathering that took place in late October, it’s that our regional food system is in very good hands. Vermont’s Farm to Plate Network encompasses agricultural production and … Continue reading

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