Author Archives: admin

Shining a light on food workers

Guest blog post from Irit Tamir, Senior Advocacy and Collaborations Advisor for Oxfam America’s US Regional Office. Tamir will be a speaker at our June 2012 Public Conference “The Necessary (r)evolution for Sustainable Food Systems.” Ironically, those who work in the … Continue reading

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Local foodie and global activist: A statement of belief from a food worshipper

Guest blog post from Irit Tamir, Senior Advocacy and Collaborations Advisor for Oxfam America’s US Regional Office. Tamir will be a speaker at our June 2012 Public Conference “The Necessary (r)evolution for Sustainable Food Systems.” I am a foodie. I love … Continue reading

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Here, you will find news, views, research, and more—each a key ingredient in the recipe for a new food system movement.

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Do you want to change the way the world eats? Then you’ve come to the right blog. We’re here to talk food—and the complexities behind it.

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