As gaining admission to college becomes increasingly competitive and hyper-selective, the Pre-College Programs at the University of Vermont enable high school students to shine. When students take college courses from UVM while in high school they can:
Showcase their potential to admissions counselors
Gain confidence in their ability to succeed in college
Save money on college credits by getting them at a discounted rate
Boost their GPA and get a head start on their college plan of study
Explore potential career interests by taking courses that may not be offered in high school
Form new connections with peers, current university students, and faculty
Learn more about our two college programs for high school students
High school students can experience UVM in two ways: through over 100 college courses for high school students, online and on campus, available throughout the year, or through our 4-week, intensive Summer Academy program.
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“I think a lot of my anxiety around college is lessened because now that I’ve experienced a college course, I kind of know the expectations and the workload, and I know the quality of work that I’m expected to produce. And it wasn’t as bad as I had made it seem in my head. So just going into my junior year, I feel less stressed, and I feel like I have a better idea of what the future holds.”
Julia, South Burlington High School Student
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What people are saying about our college programs for high school students
“When you see a high school student has taken, and in particular succeeded, in a college-level course, that speaks to their academic preparedness and their likelihood to succeed, persist, graduate on time, and find academic success.” -Moses Murphy, UVM Director of Admissions
“I gained not just health and medicine skills, but also time management skills, organizational skills, and communication skills in the UVM class.” -Jeswin
“I took Calculus 1 [at UVM] over the summer and found it very beneficial because I had just taken it in high school so it was pretty easy and it let me jump right into Calculus 2 in the fall. As a math major, this jump started my college career in a great way.”