News Education / Vermont

Top 10 Reasons to Attend Summer School

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Remember when Alice Cooper’s song School’s Out was blasted from car radios just as the final school bells rang in early June? Times have changed when it comes to how we approach academics in the warm summer months. Whether it’s the opportunity for a student to get ahead on core requirements, boost a GPA or just stay engaged in learning while also enjoying all that summer has to offer; today, summer school is definitely – in.

The University of Vermont’s Summer University offers over 500 courses, of which more than 200 are online, making the courses accessible from just about anywhere. But taking summer courses at UVM is about more than the unique course selection; it’s also an amazing opportunity to experience Burlington, which is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the country.

And just in case you need more convincing, we’ve pulled together our Top 10 Reasons to Attend Summer School at UVM.


  1. Summer School at UVM
    UVM Campus in the Summer

    Flexibility of courses: students can choose online or on-campus courses. And Summer University at UVM has three start dates, allowing students to take courses in May, June or July.

  2. Diversity of course selection: with over 500 courses—and more than 200 online—students can choose from core requirements such as Race and Ethnicity in American Literature and Culture, Archaeology of the Americas, World Regional Geography or Fundamentals of Linguistics. Or try something new such as Contemporary US Theater or Cybersecurity Principles.
  3. Small class sizes: the general student population is reduced in the summer months, which means courses taken at Summer University are small; providing more access to instructors.
  4. Build your global network: your classmates during the summer could be from just about anywhere in the world. Summer University is open to visiting undergrads, UVM undergrads, local professionals, high school students, and students from around the globe, therefore your potential network will grow.
  5. Reduced price: summer courses at UVM are 30% off standard tuition rates. Scholarships and housing options are also available making summer school at UVM affordable.
  6. Transferable credits: UVM opens its doors to visiting undergrad students each summer and offers visiting students personal advising to help determine which credits will transfer back to their undergraduate university.
  7. Short courses: studies have shown that the shorter the course, the more likely a student is to retain the information.
  8. Focused subjects: taking one course or even two means that a student can focus their attention on specific topics such as Elements of Statistics or Fundamentals of Calculus. For some students, the more intensive, short course in the summer allows them to maintain a focus that may have been difficult in a full semester.
  9. Summer in Vermont: there really isn’t a better place to be than on the shores of Lake Champlain in the summer months. By choosing courses at are on-campus, students can enjoy all that Vermont has to offer including hiking, biking, paddle boarding, boating, award-winning restaurants, outdoor music festivals, and so much more.
  10. Homework on the beach: choose from three gorgeous sandy beaches on the shores of Lake Champlain, all within a short walk or a bike ride from the UVM campus to read, work on a paper or study for an exam.
Summer School at UVM Lake Champlain
Kayaking on Lake Champlain in the Summer


Swapping traffic congestion for kayaking on Lake Champlain and substituting Facebook for actual facetime with new friends from around the globe just might be the recipe for a perfect summer school experience.

And for undergrads, high school students, and professionals, there’s so much to learn at UVM’s Summer University. Class seats are limited and registration is open now.