About PHIL 1400 OL2

Study of the basic principles of deductive inference.


Asynchronous online

Section Description

This course is an introduction to the basic principles of formal logic.. Formal logic attempts to abstract from the particular content of propositions and sentences to analyze the logical form of these sentences, the implication relations between them and with a view toward evaluating the arguments constructed from them. The ultimate goal is to use these techniques and principles to learn to reason carefully, clearly and logically. Along the way, we will apply these techniques and principles to various problems and concepts of general logic and philosophy. Course Objectives The successful student will be able to: Identify the basic principles of formal logic. Learn to evaluate arguments for validity and soundness. Translate ordinary language arguments into the appropriate logical language. Define and identify the basic principles of logical inference and apply them to examples. Learn to reason carefully, clearly and logically. Required Texts You must purchase the digital text edition of Hurley's Concise Introduction to Logic, 13th Edition, linked in the course. All readings, exercises, tests, and additional learning material are made available in this digital text.

Section Expectation

How the course works The course works like this: • I will provide lectures, related material to guide understanding, related online content (including notes, video and audio, and links to other online material) and general guidance to the material. • You will read, watch, write and think about and discuss this material through this course site (not necessarily in that order). • I will engage in discussions to guide and direct the learning process. • You will work through the units listed under the course modules link and complete the assignments as they are due. • I will evaluate your progress by reading and grading your written work and your participation.


Grading Grades will be calculated in the following way: 1. 10% - Section exercises 2. 30% - Module Quizzes 3. 30% - Aplia "Homework" exercises 4. 30% - Comprehensive Final Exam. 5. All the exercises, homework, quizzes and homework are available through the digital textbook.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw
