Krista Hamel

Krista Hamel

OLLI Director

With 25 years of experience in Continuing Education Program Management in higher education, Krista has cultivated a wealth of knowledge and expertise in delivering learning opportunities to students of all ages and backgrounds.

With 25 years of experience in Continuing Education Program Management in higher education, Krista has cultivated a wealth of knowledge and expertise in delivering learning opportunities to students of all ages and backgrounds. In the summer of ’23, Krista accepted the role of Director of UVM OLLI, and for the prior 10 years Krista learned the landscape as OLLI’s Assistant Director wherein she managed and oversaw over 100 campus OLLI programs annually in the greater Burlington area. In addition to her responsibilities as Assistant Director, Krista served for six years as the event coordinator for UVM’s Aiken Lecture series, drawing great speakers and luminaries – such as Preet Bharara, Shoshana Zuboff, Jonathan Safran Foer, Michael Moss and Tan Le – to the University campus.

A native Vermonter, Krista also spent 15 years in Annapolis, Maryland managing continuing education programs for youth and older adults and teaching weekly yoga classes.

Krista received her Master’s in education from the University of Vermont in 2015. As an undergraduate, she studied classical voice New Hampshire and Antioch University in Seattle, WA, where she earned her degree.

Outside of her career as an educator, Krista enjoys tending to her 16 elderberry bushes, making elderberry syrup for friends and family, and going on long walks with her 10-year-old mini goldendoodle, Liila.