Kathleen Scacciaferro, R.N., M.S.A., Certified Healing Touch Practitioner/Instructor. Kathleen is the School Nurse at Vergennes Union Middle / High School, Vergennes, VT, where she promotes a holistic health focus for faculty and students. She practiced and taught Healing Touch as part of End-of-Life Care at UVM Med Center, where she was a Critical Care Nurse and Manager for over 25 years. She is Part Time Faculty of the College of Nursing & Health Sciences at UVM. Kathleen teaches Healing Touch and Energy Medicine; online courses: LGBTQ Health Disparities and Dismantling Rape Culture; and leads UVM travel study courses to Cuba: Complementary Therapies in Cuban Health Care & Cultural Immersion and Mongolia: Traditional Mongolian Medicine & Cultural Immersion.

Kathleen Scacciaferro
Healing Touch Practitioner; UVM College of Nursing Lecturer