About GSWS 1785 A

Examination of the social construction of sexuality with emphasis on theories, concepts, and cultural ramifications of a range of sexual practices and identities. Cross-listed with: SOC 1330.


Open to degree and PACE students; Cross listed with SOC 1330 A; Total combined enrollment = 160

Section Description

What is sexuality? What constitutes sex? How do we come to know ourselves as sexual beings? How do individuals develop attractions, make sexual choices, define and enact their own sexuality? What is social about sexuality, and how do social structures and institutions influence understandings of sexuality over time? These are some of the questions that will guide this introduction to the sociological study of sexualities. In much popular discourse, sex/uality is treated as asocial; it is “natural” and biologically driven and/or personal and individual. Sex/uality is, however, fundamentally social. It is shaped by social norms, values, and expectations. It is socially constructed. In this course, we will explore how sexuality is constructed and examine theories, concepts, and cultural ramifications of a range of sexual norms and assumptions. We will interrogate central binaries such as male/female and heterosexual/homosexual, and explore a wide range of topics, including sexual identity, socialization, “hooking up,” polyamory and nonmonogamies, sex work, and sexual violence and consent.


Grades are based on participation, assignments, and exams.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Courses may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Show your interest by enrolling.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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