EDLI 6990 OL1 (CRN: 95744)
Library Science: Social Justice in Scl Libries
3 Credit Hours
About EDLI 6990 OL1
See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.
Online asynchronous via Brightspac with 4 Satruday virtual video conference meetings on: 9/7, 10/5, 11/2, and 12/7 all from 9AM-12PM. Open to degree and PACE students
Section Description
This course has four parts based on Social Justice Standards: the Learning for Justice Anti-bias Framework: Identity, Diversity, Justice, and Action. Through frameworks and concepts like intersectionality, the Cycle of Socialization, anti-bias and antiracist pedagogies, decolonial thought, feminist and SOGI (diverse sexual orientations and gender identities) theories, and poststructuralism, the Identity phase will help students better understand who they are, what they value, and how those identities and ideals impact their place in society before they open up their minds to new learning. Students will then read and immerse themselves in books and other media during the Diversity portion, with the goal that they will gain an understanding of identities and intersections that are different from their own. During the Justice segment, students will research injustices and solutions, specifically related to liberatory and abolitionist practices, and then they will take public, community (school or more broadly) Action on an injustice they feel strongly about using the Asset-Based Community Development model to shift power and school/school library policy while centering joy and possibility. This elective course is designed to meet the competencies for Vermont State Licensing Rules #5440-61 School Librarian. It is aligned with ALA/AASL/CAEP School Librarian Licensure Standards; specifically AASL Standards (I-VI); Vermont Educator
Section Expectation
Goals: ● By the end of this course, students will know: ○ Systems, structures, and policies in the schools within our state. ○ Theories of antiracist and anti-oppressive change. ○ Political, social, economic, and moral implications of policy reform. ○ Social Justice Standards: the Learning for Justice Anti-bias Framework. ○ The Four “I’s” of Oppression ● By the end of this course, students will understand: ○ Small actions can create great change. ○ Student involvement in education transformation leads to greater creativity and engagement. ○ Education is and always has been political. ○ Information needs to be assessed for creation bias and cultural context. ○ Privilege and oppression are related to intersectional identity. ○ Only action can turn injustice into justice. ○ Social justice education is as much about joy and possibility as it is about struggle and oppression. Learning Outcomes: ● By the end of this course, students will be able to: ○ Reflect on–and question–their assumptions and possible misconceptions about identity, including those relating to social and cultural contexts, and help others do the same. ○ Analyze the advantages and disadvantages one may have in society because of membership in different identity groups, reflect on how this has affected their own life and perceptions, and respond to diversity by striving to build empathy, respect, understanding, connection, and compassion. ○ Analyze the different levels of systemic injustice and oppression in the context of multiple communities (school, town, state, country, world), and match that analysis to a variety of strategies and philosophies relevant to the history of social justice. ○ Attempt to improve relationships, communities, and society by collaboratively addressing injustices through a sustainable, enjoyable justice plan. Contributions in Class: ● Students are expected to be prepared to participate in all class discussions and activities during live video conference meetings, if applicable. ● Students are expected to regularly post responses to online discussion topics and weekly assignments. ● Students are expected to regularly read and respond to others’ postings and do everything they can to optimize their learning and to fully participate in this course. Required Readings: Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want, by Ruha Benjamin Core Values In School LIbrarianship: Responding with Commitment and Courage edited by Judi Moreillon Patron Saints of Nothing by Randy Ribay Additional articles and resources as assigned throughout the semester. Electronic Submissions/Internet Use: Assignments will be submitted through UVM systems, email, and Brightspace.
Grading: Grades will be based on participation in class and online discussions, thoughtfulness of responses, and quality of projects. 97-100 pts. = A+; 94-96 pts. = A; 90-93 pts. = A-; 87-89 pts. = B+; 84-87 pts. = B; 80-83 pts. = B-; 77-79=C+; 74-76=C; 70-73=C-; 67-69 = D+; 64-66=D; 64 and under F. Format for Expected Work: Students will be expected to submit participation tasks/formative assessments as assigned and produce final projects. These will include: ● Reading Responses ● Identity Reflection ● Diversity Inquiry ● Justice Journal ● Social Justice Action Project ● Final Reflection Specific format requirements will be provided with each assignment. Scoring Guides: Evaluation throughout the course will include formative and summative assessments, with criteria checklists/rubrics for each assignment. Percentage Contribution of Each Assignment: Participation Tasks/Formative Assessment 40% Due date: Ongoing ● 20% of grade -- Students will engage in collaborative online discussions and dialogues with classmates. ● 20% of grade -- Students will reflect on assigned readings, research, field experiences, and personal observations. Weekly topics and/or prompts will be assigned and collected digitally. Performance Tasks/Summative Assessments 60% Module One (9/7-10/5): Who am I? Bias, social conditioning, and the school library Summative Due 10/6/24 15% of grade In this module, students will reflect deeply on who they are and why. The focus will be on intersectionality, privilege (or lack thereof), bias, social conditioning, family and/or situational histories, our web of connections, resilience, and joy. Reading: ● Viral Justice – Introduction, “The White House,” Chapter One, “Weather,” and Chapter Two, “Hunted.” ● Core Values in School Librarianship – Chapter One, “Equity,” Chapter Two, “Diversity,” and Chapter Three, “Inclusion.” ● Patron Saints of Nothing through page 100, “Every Single Surviving Word.” Module Two (10/5-11/2): Diversity and Justice, Oppression and Joy Summative Due 11/3/24 15% of grade In this module, students will commit to learning about diversity and justice, from identities and intersections that differ from their experience to historical and contemporary social justice movements. Reading: ● Viral Justice – Chapter Three, “Lies,” Chapter Four, “Grind,” and Chapter Five, “Exposed.” ● Core Values in School Librarianship – Chapter Four, “Intellectual Freedom,” Chapter Five, “Relationships,” and Chapter Six, “Principal-School Librarian Partnerships.” ● Patron Saints of Nothing through page 201, “The Wide Eyes of the Lost.” Module Three (11/2 -12/13): Social Justice Action Project Summative Due 12/13/24 15% of grade In this module, students will use the Asset-Based Community Development model as a guide to create a social justice action project that attempts to make a positive impact on one or more injustices present in the student’s school library, school, district, or greater community. Ideal projects will be ongoing and sustainable, collaborative with young people, and center the most impacted young people and/or community members. Reading: ● Viral Justice – Chapter Six, “Trust,” and Chapter Seven, “La Casa Azul.” ● Core Values in School Librarianship – Chapter Seven, “Leadership,” Chapter Eight, “Advocacy,” and Chapter Nine, “Collaboration.” ● Patron Saints of Nothing through page 318, “Patron Saints of Nothing.” Final Reflection -- Due 12/13/24 15% of grade ALL WORK DUE BY 12/13/24 (Revisions welcome)
Important Dates
Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.
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