CMPE 5410 A (CRN: 95728)
Computer Engineering: Digital VLSI Circuit Design
3 Credit Hours
About CMPE 5410 A
Covers the techniques for the design, analysis and layout of digital CMOS circuits and systems. Major topics include MOSFET basics (structure and behavior of a MOSFET, CMOS fabrication, and design rules), detailed analysis of the CMOS circuits and systems (static behavior, ratioed vs. ratioless design), noise margins, computing rise and fall times, delay models, resistance. Prerequisite: Electrical Engineering Graduate student, Computer Science Graduate student, or Instructor permission. Cross-listed with: EE 5410.
Graduate standing or instructor permission; Cross listed with EE 5410; Total combined enrollment = 20; Semiconductor Certificate Approved Elective; Open to Graduate and PACE students
Section Description
This class will teach both the fundamental and advanced techniques for the design, analysis and layout of digital CMOS circuits and systems. Major topics include MOSFET basics (structure and behavior of a MOSFET, CMOS fabrication, and design rules), advanced design technologies for various CMOS logic circuits, systems, and interconnections, considering many constraints including timing, power consumption, chip area, etc. Moreover, the industrial standard EDA software programs – Cadence and/or Siemens (Mentor Graphics) will be used for design, modeling, simulations, and layout.
Section Expectation
• Apply static and dynamic design styles to implement combinational and sequential circuits • Understand Moore's law, yield, process variations, design robustness, leakage and time to market • Understand the tradeoffs among system performance, area consumption, and cost • Compare and evaluate different designs and understand the technology scaling issues • Evaluate timing, reliability and flexibility of circuits and systems with different models • Use industry standard software program to design and characterize various CMOS digital circuits and systems
• Homework: • Final project & Presentation • Mid-term exam • Lab projects • Final Exam (take home)
Important Dates
Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.
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