About SOC 1320 A

Individual and social meanings of aging and old age; physical, physiological, psychological, and sociological changes accompanying aging; individual, family, community, and societal adaptations to aging. Cross-listed with: HDF 1200.


Cross listed with HDF 1200 Total combined enrollment = 55 Open to degree and PACE students

Section Description

HDFS 1200/SOC 1320 (this is one course that is cross-listed such that students may sign up under either course #) is an interdisciplinary course that aims to introduce students to the study of aging. Through lectures, in-class discussions, assigned readings and related reading quizzes, and various in and out of class activities and assignments, students will be introduced to and have the opportunity to learn about common biological, psychological and sociological changes associated with aging. Students will also gain knowledge about individual, family, community, and societal level adaptations that may occur in response to these changes; individual and social meanings of aging and old age; and the form of ageism that negatively affects people in old age and influences attitudes, policies and practices related to old age.

Section Expectation

Students are expected to attend class sessions; participate in class discussions; complete any assigned reading quizzes, in class quizzes, exams and other required activities and assignments presented as part of class sessions; and complete any required as well as select optional out of class activities and assignments as assigned and in the required time frame. Major activities and assignments likely to be included as required parts of this course are: two or three in-class exams and a final exam (expected to be primarily multiple choice with the potential for a few short-answer, matching and/or an essay question). It is also expected that students will participate in an out of class activity involving approximately four different meetings for interviews/conversations with a select senior and reflect in writing and in other ways on these conversations and their senior's experiences and perspectives in light of course materials. The following interactive E-Book text is expected to be required as part of this class: Quadagno, J. (2022). Aging and the life course: An introduction to Social Gerontology (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.


Approximately 60-65% of the final course grade will be based on exams. It is estimated that the remaining 35-40% of the grade will be based on class participation and in and out of class miscellaneous assignments and quizzes (20%), and quality of the out of class activity and related assignment (15%). All assignments, in-class quizzes, class activities, and exams have the main purpose of fostering students' learning and understanding of course material, with a secondary aim of assessing this learning and understanding. At times, in and out of class assignments may be primarily designed to identify areas of misunderstanding that will be used to inform the teaching of the course.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Courses may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Show your interest by enrolling.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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