DNCE 1990 A (CRN: 95561)
Dance: Pilates & Yoga: Theory & Pract
3 Credit Hours
About DNCE 1990 A
Introductory courses or seminars on topics beyond the scope of existing departmental offerings. See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.
Open to degree and PACE students
Section Description
Course Description This class offers knowledge and skills to keep fit for life. It teaches safe performance of movement and exercise in a progressive approach and offers an opportunity to improve and/or maintain a high level of fitness through application of conditioning principles. Students are encouraged to understand their own limitations and work within their bounds. We will dive deep kinesthetically and intellectually to the physical conditioning techniques of Joseph Pilates and Hatha Yoga. Pilates matwork exercises and Yoga Asansa are used to develop strength, flexibility, stamina, coordination and mind/body awareness. Pilates and Yoga work will emphasizes flowing movements requiring the use of multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Controlled breathing and concentration are essential for both practices. Resulting in a workout for the body and the mind.
Important Dates
Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.
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