About EDHI 6330 A

Focuses on promoting an understanding of assessment and evaluation in student affairs with particular emphasis on the ACPA/NASPA Assessment, Evaluation, and Research professional competency area. Students will learn how to implement an assessment plan and effectively report assessment efforts to broad audiences.


Open to Graduate and PACE students only; Will meet both in person and online synchronously; Specific dates TBD, see course syllabus for meeting details.

Section Description

Explores standards and guiding documents for learning and development in various functions and areas of higher education, high-impact practice, and the design and implementation of holistic and effective program review. Includes ongoing program review and assessment project focused on an area of student choice.

Section Expectation

Coursework includes class preparation assignments, written reflections and analyses, class discussion and activities, and review/assessment project design and implementation including related data gathering, analysis, and presentation activities. Class will meet most weeks in-person, with some weeks devoted to program review project site visits and related online work.


Grades are based on successful and thoughtful completion of written assignments and final review/assessment project, reading comprehension and application, and preparation for and engagement in class discussions and activities.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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Interest Form

EDHI 6330 A is closed to new enrollment.

But we can remind you a few days before the next term opens. You can also see what terms are enrolling currently.
