ENGL 1001 G (CRN: 92389)
English: Written Expression
3 Credit Hours
About ENGL 1001 G
A foundational composition course featuring a sequence of writing, reading, and information literacy assignments. Students learn to write and revise for different rhetorical situations while increasing their mastery of academic conventions. Some sections designed for specific student audiences.
Non CAS first time first year students only until August 1st then non CAS sophomores may also enroll Open to degree and PACE students
Section Description
ENGL 1001 will help you improve your writing skills and prepare you for further writing education in your major. Because each academic discipline has different expectations and norms for writing, in this course, you will learn to approach every writing task with an awareness of the audience, context, and purpose, and you will try out several different types of writing along the way. This course treats writing as a process, with many steps that build on each other. You will brainstorm and develop interesting questions and themes to investigate in your writing and research; gather research from different kinds of sources; identify conversations among scholars and synthesize their ideas; organize and reorganize your writing; and do a lot of revising with input from your classmates. Like most English courses, this one involves reading. But in this course, you won’t write essays responding to the content of the what we read. Instead, you will read the texts as models, paying attention to the choices authors make and to what those choices can teach us about how to write. For your own essays, you will choose the topics and questions to explore.
Section Expectation
This is a workshop and seminar class. Outside of class, you will read and/or write between every session, and we will discuss your homework the day it is due. Readings include selections posted to Brightspace and your classmates’ drafts. Writing homework includes exercises that contribute to the writing of drafts, the drafts themselves, and written responses to your classmates’ work. There are no textbooks for this course. (Other ENGL 1001 sections require "The Norton Mix." You do not need to buy ANY books for this section.)
Grades are based on attendance and participation; exercises, research, and rough drafts toward your final drafts; and three final essays.
Important Dates
Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.
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Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund | |
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