About MLS 3300 A

Comprehensive study of non-bacterial pathogenic microorganisms and their disease states in humans. Includes medical mycology, parasitology and virology. Prerequisites: MMG 1650 or MMG 2010.


Prereqs enforced by the system: MMG 1650 or MMG 2010; Colocated with MLS 5300.

Section Description

Course Description This course is designed to be a comprehensive study of non-bacterial pathogenic microorganisms and their disease states in humans. Includes medical mycology, parasitology and virology. Course instruction will focus on understanding the biology of these organisms and learning about epidemiology, evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases caused by these pathogens. A solid understanding of cell and molecular biology and genetics concepts is highly recommended.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

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