About EDEC 1010 A

A Civic Learning course that introduces and explores current issues, policies and practices in early care and education, which impact families and young children of diverse backgrounds. Emphasis on self-study, anti-bias frameworks, inclusion, and advocacy as well as civic engagement and cross-cultural communication.


Open to Degree and PACE students; Includes service learning experience with young children; All students welcome

Section Description

This course is an introduction to the field of early care and education with 16 total hours of civic learning. Field experience takes place in a community-based classroom of 3-5 year old children inclusive of those with diverse culture, language and ability. This course will fulfill the D2 and GC2 categories of the Catamount Core Curriculum. The purpose of this course is to construct, the values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills needed by early childhood teachers. This beginning journey will emphasize how young children make sense of themselves and the world around them, the ways in which environments influence young children’s development, and the role of early childhood teachers in the lives of young children, their families, and other important adults/peers in children’s worlds. Inherent in this journey, is the opportunity to self-study and reflect, in recognizing one’s unique culture and developing appreciation for the unique cultures of others as we endeavor to develop strong cohort relationships. Students will also develop an appreciation for cultural, linguistic and abilities-diversity as well as the skills and dispositions necessary in functioning as an anti-racist professional. Through civic engagement, students experience the inherent rewards of making a difference in the lives of young children and their families.

Section Expectation

Students are expected to be in regular attendance and actively engaged in group discussions and civic learning hours. A strong emphasis is placed on demonstrating the behaviors of an emerging professional. The structure for this course is primarily a discussion format, with some prepared powerpoint presentations, video viewing, and guest speakers. The quality of our exchange will depend on each student coming to class having read the assigned material, with the courage and willingness to share reflections and questions aloud, related to discussion topics. Students are expected to hand in assignments on their due date and communicate respectfully with others throughout. The course implements the principles of Universal Design for Learning, such that multiple means of demonstrating learning are encouraged :).


Grades will be based on participation, written assignments, an anti-bias group project, an individual advocacy project, readings and professionalism with civic learning.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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