CSD 6450 A (CRN: 90604)
Comm Sciences & Disorders: Neurogenic Comm. Disorders 2
3 Credit Hours
About CSD 6450 A
Covers the study of motor speech disorders associated with damage to the central or peripheral nervous system. Cognitive-communication impairments associated with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and related disorders are also explored. Principles and procedures of assessment and intervention are emphasized. Prerequisite: Communication Sciences & Disorders Graduate student.
Prerequisites: CSD 3810, 6350 or equivalent; CSD 2nd year Graduate students only, or by instructor permission; Open to Degree and PACE students
Section Description
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides graduate students in communication sciences and disorders with the foundational knowledge and skills for the assessment and treatment of neurologically based acquired cognitive-communication disorders associated with right hemisphere dysfunction, dementia, traumatic brain injury and other neurological conditions that impact cognition and communication. Prerequisites: Graduate standing or instructor permission & CSD 3810 Cognitive Neuroscience or equivalent REQUIRED TEXTS/READINGS: Duffy, J.R. (2020). Motor Speech Disorders: Substrates, Differential Diagnosis & Management, 4th edition. Mosby. Brookshire, R.H. (2015). Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders, 8th edition. Elsevier.
Section Expectation
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Examinations (ASHA Std. III-B, C, & D): Two equally weighted exams will contribute to 50% of your overall grade for the course. These examinations will take place in-class, as take-home assignments, or some combination of the two. Demonstrated knowledge on these exams can be in the form of written and/or verbal expression, depending on the format. Presentation & Professional Communication: Treatment Review/ Assessment Review Each student group will be assigned an assessment tool or treatment technique for review and presentation (see Brightspace site for details). Presentations will provide background and other context for the assessment or intervention topics. The bulk of the presentation should be dedicated to the demonstration and clinical implementation (i.e., use and EBP support). Articles or Chapters may contain numerous intervention ideas, which should be reviewed briefly. One or two representative or strongly supported techniques (e.g., EBP) should be demonstrated to the class with some depth. Evidence based support for the topics will come from literature and ASHA evidence maps (see link below). Assessment tools can be obtained through your instructor, the clinic, or otherwise. Cite your sources appropriately. IPE/IPE - This assignment is worth 15% of your final grade (a=7.5% & b=7.5%). a. Love Your Brain – Active IPE/IPP assignment with your OTD Peers and our speaker from the Love your Brain Foundation. Details on Brightspace. b. Questions and Intervention Strategies: For the Virtual Case of Ms. Kim, each student will submit questions for other professions and intervention strategies/techniques/assessments related to her swallowing and cognitive concerns. These questions and strategies will be discussed during the live session with the other members of the interprofessional team. Rational must be included. Annotation Assignments – Perusall (x3): These Perusall assignments will be worth a total of 15% of your final grade. These assignments are designed to support your learning of the course content through readings (e.g., chapters and peer-reviewed literature), active engagement with the materials, and interactions with your peers. This is not an assessment. Read the entire article, make 5 high-quality comments, comment on, and like your peers’ comments, and, if instructed to do so, generate a class discussion question. Doing a combination of these things will earn you full credit. See Brightspace assignment for Perusall link and assignment details.
Examinations Treatment /Assessment Presentation Article Review Discussion COURSE GRADING: Final course letter grades translate from the course-work percentage table below 98.0% - 100% A+ 94.0% - 97.9% A 80.0% - 83.9% B- 67.0% - 69.9%: D+ 90.0% - 93.9% A- 77.0% - 79.9%: C+ 64.0% - 66.9%: D 87.0% - 89.9% B+ 74.0% - 76.9%: C 60.0% - 63.9%: D- 84.0% - 86.9% B 70.0% - 73.9%: C- below - 59.9%: F
Important Dates
Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.
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Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund | |
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund | |
Last Day to Withdraw |
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