About NSCI 6072 Z1

Explores the nervous system through integrative study of behavior, cellular and systems neurobiology, neuroanatomy, neuroethics, neuropharmacology, neurophysiology, pathophysiology, and psychopathology. Several instructional methods support learning in this course, including lecture, online independent study modules, laboratory sessions, team-based learning and case and problem based discussions. Prerequisites: Neuroscience Graduate student; Instructor permission.


Neuroscience Graduate Students only; Instructor permission required

Syllabus Unavailable

Please contact the instructor for information about this course.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw
