About STAT 1110 OL2

Basic statistical concepts, methods, and applications, including correlation, regression, confidence intervals, and hypothesis tests. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra.


Prereq: Two years of high school algebra; Asynchronous online

Section Description

This is a fully online course with no required synchronous meeting times. Online office hours will be available. This course will prepare you to use statistics within your field of study and in your daily life. Concepts presented in this course will be useful to critical thinkers in an increasingly data-focused society, and techniques covered will provide a foundation for understanding real-world research. From the catalog: Basic overview of data classification, Descriptive statistics, Study design and data collection, Confidence intervals, Hypothesis testing, Correlation and regression. Technical Support for Students Students, please read this technology check list to make sure you are ready for classes. https://www.uvm.edu/it/kb/student-technology-resources/ Students should contact the Helpline (802-656-2604) for support with technical issues. Course Learning Objectives: • Recognize the strengths and limitations of data collection methods and think critically about the scope of inferences that are appropriate based on the design of a study. • Appropriately formulate a basic research question using the language and notation of statistics. • Complete straightforward data analyses, including summarizing data and making inferences using both traditional methods and modern resampling methods. • Interpret statistical results including confidence intervals and the results of hypothesis tests effectively and in context.

Section Expectation

Required course materials: The textbook for STAT 111 is Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data by Lock, Lock, Lock, Lock & Lock, 3rd edition. You are not required to purchase a printed copy of the textbook. You will be required to purchase access to the WileyPLUS online learning portal which includes an electronic version of the textbook in addition to many other learning and homework materials.


Evaluation will be based on: Homework assignments (due weekly) Two tests (due during weeks 3 & 5) Three case studies (mini projects that ask you to use data to answer research questions)

Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw
