About CDAE 1450 WQ3

Learn how to use LinkedIn to build or strengthen your professional profile, find your next job or internship, and grow your professional network. Develop communication competence and confidence relevant to your unique experiences and career goals.


Winter Session Course: 12/26/2023 - 1/12/2024; Asynchronous online; Open to degree and PACE students

Section Expectation

CDAE 1450 Career Builder: LinkedIn aims to boost students’ LinkedIn skills and confidence. Learn how to apply communication theory to your LinkedIn account to build or strengthen your professional profile, find your next job or internship, and grow your professional network. • All ranks, majors, experience-levels, and career goals welcome. • Students with and without existing LinkedIn profiles are encouraged to enroll. • Students should have resumes completed before entering the course though. This 2-credit course is 100% online that uses asynchronous online modules. The class is an intense 10-day boot camp style course: January 2-12, 2024. Students need reliable internet connection. Modules are due every other day. They will ask students to read about a communication theory and complete a short activity and reflection assignment using their LinkedIn account. Students will complete a LinkedIn profile. Those who already have a profile will edit their profile so it is consistent with the best practices discussed in modules and outlined in the assignment instructions. Register for the class when you register for spring courses. The credits will count toward your overall spring semester credit load. Reliable internet access. Resume updated before class starts.

Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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Interest Form

CDAE 1450 WQ3 is closed to new enrollment.

But we can remind you a few days before the next term opens. You can also see what terms are enrolling currently.
