About MU 1120 A

Survey of jazz from its roots in ragtime and blues of the late nineteenth century to contemporary styles. Cross-listed with: CRES 1811.


Open to degree and PACE students

Section Description

The goal of this course is to familiarize oneself with the many key figures who have contributed to the roots of Jazz as well as many who have helped to create new and innovative approaches to the music. Many styles which fall under the banner of JAZZ will be addressed. Music sound samples and video clips will be presented in class. It is the responsibility of the class members to further research the music via YouTube and/or other video presenting websites as well as sources like Spotify. This course is designed for the individual who has little or no formal music training. Therefore, advanced concepts of Jazz theory and harmony will not be addressed in MU 1120.

Section Expectation

The student enrolled in MU 1120 is expected to stay up to date with all readings assigned during the semester. These readings are all included in the syllabus. This is a 3 credit course, therefore the student is expected to study a minimum of 6 hours a week, not including both class sessions during the week. These class sessions are an hour and 15 minutes each. 
The student will be required to spend time listening to many sound samples associated with the course. Attendance is mandatory.


During the course of the semester, several factual exams will be given during the semester to help you remain current in your reading and listening as well as to emphasize important material. Make-ups for exams are not permitted except for a documented medical emergency. In any case, make-ups must be completed before the tests are returned to the class (usually one or two class sessions later). Please be advised; the missing of an exam will automatically register as a “0” for the missed exam. All exams will be executed on BriteSpace. 

All MU1120 class members are required to attend two JAZZ concerts of performances during the semester. Free concerts on campus will be announced, as well as jazz performances at downtown clubs and other venues. ATTENDANCE POLICY 
It is understood by the instructor that some absences are unavoidable. Your grade will depend on the mastery of the subject as reflected in the graded work. Attendance will be taken in order to keep track of who is attending class. Attendance will not be included into the grade, with one important exception: the maximum number of classes that a student can miss without penalty is THREE. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that their attendance is recorded in the event that you arrive late, etc.
More than three missed class meetings, for any reason (not including excused university absences or extended serious illness that is documented by a medical professional), will lower your final grade by 5 points for every missed class. 

Important Dates

Note: These dates may change before registration begins.

Note: These dates may not be accurate for select courses during the Summer Session.

Last Day to Add
Last Day to Drop
Last Day to Withdraw with 50% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw with 25% Refund
Last Day to Withdraw


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