1. A completed application.
  2. Official transcripts for all undergraduate and graduate work. If you have taken any college-level courses, you need to request an official transcript from each institution you attended. This should be addressed to the address below.
  3. Submit two letters of recommendation from people who know you well enough to give an informed opinion of your intellectual ability, capacity for sustained effort, and personal qualifications. One academic reference is suggested, but not required.
  4. Personal statement. Please describe your reasons for wishing to pursue a career in health care. Include any medical-related experience you have. Limit your personal statement to three typed, double-spaced pages. Your personal statement can be uploaded at the end of this form.

If items arrive separately, they will be matched with your file.

Letters of Recommendation and Official Transcripts should be mailed to:

University of Vermont
Post-Bac MLS Program
302 Rowell, 106 Carrigan Drive
Burlington, Vermont 05405

Or they can be emailed to; Please address your email as: Post-Bac MLS Program

Application Form

| Resume a previously saved form
Resume Later

In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Note that you will need a credit card for the $50 application fee at the end of this application.

If you are interested in applying to the UVM Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program through the Centralized Application Service for Post-Baccalaureate Programs, please click here.

If you apply through PostbacCas, you don’t need to fill out the UVM application and vice versa.

Please only apply once.

Start date

Contact Information

For example, if you and a sibling use the same email address, your accounts may become combined and cause registration delays


Even if you live in Vermont, you must complete this section in order to be considered for in-state residency status. In-state residency is based on UVM Residency Policy
Vermont Residency

Vermont Residency Questionnaire

In order to be considered for in-state tuition, you must complete this section. The final decision on residency is made by the residency office. Regardless of your responses below, it is the student's responsibility to understand their final residency determination before they register. The residency office may request additional information before determining residency status. All Applications for In-State Status should be received no later than the last day of the Add/Drop period for the semester for which in-state status is sought. All applications received after the Add/Drop period will be considered for the following semester for which the student is enrolled.

Learn more about UVM residency criteria

Please list employers for the last two years below



For example:

IBM, Essex Jct VT, 5/2016-5/2018
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Waterbury VT, 6/2018-present

2018- Vermont
2017- Vermont
2016- New York


Parent/Guardian Address

Parent/Guardian's Street Address

Parent/Guardian's City

Parent/Guardian's State

Parent/Guardian's Zip

Enter years and months (i.e. 10 years, 2 months)
Other address

For Vermont Residents Only: The information above does not change the residency status established at your last enrollment. For information on filing for in-state status, contact the Residency Office, Registrar's Office, 85 South Prospect St., (802) 656-8515.

Page 3

Student Information


Enter with no dashes or hyphens (ex: 000000000)

ex. F-1; J-1; L-2; H-4

Demographic Information

Page 4

Academic, Criminal, Military Background

Schools Attended

Complete for all undergraduate, graduate or professional schools attended. 

if school is not listed, enter below

MM/DD/YYYY (Date you began attending)

Date you stopped attending-- enter planned end date if currently attending

Name the file with your name and the school name. Example: Sally_Smith_Univ_of_VT.pdf. Prevent errors by avoiding special characters in your in your filenames (e.g.avoid: !=:;?\&^%$#@><{}[]|'")


Adv sci track no longer a choice per request from Tom GAdvanced Science Track is for students who need to strengthen their credentials to apply to med school
Preparatory Science Track is for career changers

Please check any additional profession(s) you are interested in pursuing.

Upload Resume

Prevent errors by avoiding special characters in your in your filenames (e.g.avoid: !=:;?\&^%$#@><{}[]|'"). Note: Please make sure your name and the current date is clearly stated on the document. Personal Statement Guidelines: In no more than three typed, double-spaced pages, describe your reasons for pursuing a career in healthcare. Include any related experience you have and explain how that experience has informed your career goals.

Prevent errors by avoiding special characters in your in your filenames (e.g.avoid: !=:;?\&^%$#@><{}[]|'"). Compile transcripts for all schools listed above into one document (pdf or zip) and upload here.  If needed, you can save this form and come back later (link at top of page)
Letters of Recommendation
This program requires two letters of recommendation from people who know you well enough to give an informed opinion of your motivation, intellectual ability, capacity for sustained effort, and personal qualifications. We suggest that at least one of the two letters be an academic reference. Please enter the name and email address of two recommenders.  We will send them a link to enter their recommendation.
Recommender 1

e.g. Dr, Professor

e.g. Professor, colleague, boss
Recommender 2

e.g. Dr, Professor

e.g. Professor, colleague, boss
Guaranteed Admission Program

High Schools Attended

Complete for all high schools attended

  • If you have any difficulty entering schools in the drop-down menu, please use the "Additional high schools attended" section below.

  • Please submit unofficial transcripts for all schools listed.

if school is not listed, enter below

Name the file with your name and the school name. Example: Sally_Smith_Burlington_HS.pdf


You may qualify if you or one of your parents is a current UVM employee.

Page 5

Credit Card Information

digits only, no hyphens

3 digit code on back of card near signature area

Card Holder Information