Dr. Gillian L. Galford directs the Certificate and UVM’s Geospatial Technologies program. She teaches in UVM’s Environmental Science Program/Rubenstein School of Environment and is a Fellow at the Gund Institute for Environment. Her research focuses on land-cover and land-use change in the tropics and its impacts, particularly on greenhouse gas emissions and the water cycle. She works across scales, from plot level studies on farms to regional analyses through remote sensing and ecosystems modeling. Strong partnerships and collaborations are a hallmark of Gillian’s work. Her colleagues represent universities in the USA, Brazil and Cuba, NGOs, international research organizations and government institutions. Gillian maintains active research projects funded by NASA, NSF, USDA and private foundations.
Gillian holds a B.A. in Earth & Planetary Sciences with a double major in Environmental Studies (social science track) from Washington University in St. Louis. She holds a Ph.D. from Brown University where she studied ecosystems ecology and remote sensing through the Brown-MBL Joint Program with a focus on remote sensing and ecosystems ecology through the Brown-MBL Joint Program in Environmental Science and Biology. Previously, Gillian was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Earth Institute of Columbia University and the Woods Hole Research Center.